Two (2) deep sea docks: 660 ft long with 36 ft draft (201m with 11m draft) and 550 ft with 26ft draft (167m with 7.9m draft) with power & water hookups.
Industrial zoned land – 240 acres (100 hectares) for heavy industry, power generation, mineral and concentrate storage, manufacturing and shipping, and other industrial activities....
Since 1993
A deep seA west coast terminal
Given its strategic location, West Coast Marine Terminals (WCMT) presents numerous opportunities to support established industry as well
as pose a significant resource to commercial activities that the area could experience soon.
West Coast Marine Terminals is located in a protected inlet on the west coast of Vancouver Island in Nookta Sound area and is central to both the Northwest such as Kitimat (330 nautical miles/614km) and USA border (120 nautical miles/222 km).